


The Badges feature allows learners to earn achievements (badges) for their learning activities.

  • Badge Template is another kind of credential.

  • Badge is another kind of user credential.

Current Badges version is highly integrated with the Credly (by Pearson) service, but it is fully prepared to be used separately.

What is Credly?

Credly is the end-to-end solution for creating, issuing, and managing digital credentials. Thousands of organizations use Credly to recognize achievement. Users use Credly as a professional board to store badges to visualize their professional success – which courses were completed and when. Badges provide employers and peers concrete evidence of what you had to do to earn your credential and what you’re now capable of. Credly also offers labor market insights based on users’ skills. Users can search and apply for job opportunities right through Credly.


  1. Badge template – a template of a badge (with design, name, and description) that will be used in settings to set up special rules to create a badge for users to receive on the platform.

  2. Authorization token – It’s a temporary key that verifies identity and authorizes resource access. A token can be computer-generated or hardware-based. A valid token allows a user to retain access to an online service or web application until the token expires.

  3. UUID – Universally Unique Identifier – is a value used to identify an object or entity on the internet uniquely. Depending on the specific mechanisms used, a UUID is either guaranteed to be different or is, at least, extremely likely to be different from any other UUID generated.