Event Bus#

The Credentials IDA supports the use of the Open edX Event Bus to consume and publish asynchronous Open edX Events.

For more information on how to start using the Event Bus in your environment, see the How to start using the Event Bus doc in the Open edX Confluence and the Event Bus how-to docs in GitHub.

Events Consumed#

Before Credentials can consume these events, you must:

  • Have the appropriate configuration enabled for the LMS to publish course certificate events to the Event Bus:

    • for CERTIFICATE_CREATED events, you must have the SEND_CERTIFICATE_CREATED_SIGNAL setting enabled in your LMS configuration

    • for CERTIFICATE_REVOKED events, you must have the SEND_CERTIFICATE_REVOKED_SIGNAL setting enabled in your LMS configuration

  • Have the EVENT_BUS_REDIS_CONSUMERS_ENABLED or the EVENT_BUS_KAFKA_CONSUMERS_ENABLED setting enabled in your Credentials configuration, depending on the underlying Event Bus implementation used in your Open edX environment.

There is additional configuration required to run the Event Bus in an Open edX environment, this configuration is beyond the scope of this document. Please see How to start using the Event Bus for more information.


The Credentials IDA supports consuming CERTIFICATE_CREATED events published by the LMS of edx-platform. If configured, this event is fired by the LMS when a (course) certificate is awarded to a learner. Upon successful processing of this event, a (course) credential is created for the learner in Credentials.

A diagram showing how a course credential is awarded to a learner and how the data moves between the monolith and the Credentials IDA. A textual rendition is availalable in JSON in the document course_certificate_awarded.dsl, also in this repository.


The Credentials IDA supports consuming CERTIFICATE_REVOKED events published by the LMS of edx-platform. If configured, this event is fired by the LMS when a (course) certificate is revoked from a learner. Upon successful processing of this event, a (course) credential will be revoked from the learner in Credentials.

A diagram showing how a course credential is revoked from a learner and how the data moves between the monolith and the Credentials IDA. A textual rendition is availalable in JSON in the document course_certificate_revoked.dsl, also in this repository.

Events Published#

The Credentials IDA supports publishing events to the Event Bus when a (program) credential is awarded or revoked from a learner.


To publish an event to the Event Bus when a program credential is awarded to a learner, you must enable the SEND_PROGRAM_CERTIFICATE_AWARDED_SIGNAL in the Credentials IDA’s configuration.

A diagram showing how a program credential is awarded to a learner and how the data moves between the monolith and the Credentials IDA. A textual rendition is availalable in JSON in the document program_certificate_awarded.dsl, also in this repository.


To publish an event to the Event Bus when a program credential is revoked from a learner, you must enable the SEND_PROGRAM_CERTIFICATE_REVOKED_SIGNAL in the Credentials IDA’s configuration.

A diagram showing how a program credential is revoked from a learner and how the data moves between the monolith and the Credentials IDA. A textual rendition is availalable in JSON in the document program_certificate_revoked.dsl, also in this repository.