Credentials API#




Get a list of credentials



Get a specific credential



Create a new credential



Update a credential



Query for a user’s earned certificates for specific courses



Create a New Credential#

Example Request

POST /api/v2/credentials/

    "username": "test-user",
    "credential": {
        "program_uuid": "244af8cb-7cdd-487e-afc0-aa0b6391b1fd"
    "attributes": [
            "name": "whitelist_reason",
            "value": "Your reason for whitelisting."


  • The username and credential parameters are required.

  • The attributes parameter is optional.

  • If you use the whitelist or grade attributes, you can only change the value parameter.

  • If you send a program-based user credential request, you can only provide the whitelist attribute.

  • When creating a user credential for a program, the API also checks to see if an updated email needs to be sent to a credit pathway. For more information, please consult the Credit Pathways doc.

Update a Credential#

The default value of status parameter for a user credential is awarded. To update the status of a user credential, use status.

Example Request

PATCH /api/v2/credentials/:uuid

    "status": "revoked"


  • This endpoint only accepts the status parameter. Valid values for the status parameter are awarded and revoked.

Retrieve a Credential#

To get information about a specific credential for a single user, use the credential uuid.

Example Request

GET /api/v2/credentials/a2810ab0-c084-43de-a9db-fa484fcc82bc

Example Response

    "username": "admin",
    "credential": {
        "credential_id": 1,
        "program_uuid": "244af8cb-7cdd-487e-afc0-aa0b6391b1fd"
    "status": "revoked",
    "download_url": "",
    "uuid": "a2810ab0-c084-43de-a9db-fa484fcc82bc",
    "attributes": [
            "name": "whitelist_reason",
            "value": "Your reason for whitelisting."
    "created": "2015-12-17T09:28:35.075376Z",
    "modified": "2016-01-02T12:58:15.744188Z",
    "certificate_url": ""

Get a List of Credentials#

All credentials are returned by default for any user with the credentials.view_credential permission.

Get a List of All Credentials for a User#

To get a list of all credentials that a user has earned, use credentials. You must include the username parameter in the query string.

This endpoint does not allow you to get a list of all credentials for all users. You can filter the returned list of credentials by using the username or status parameters in the query string.

Example Requests

GET api/v2/credentials/?username=<username>
GET api/v2/credentials/?username=<username>&status=<status>

Example Response

    "count": 1,
    "next": null,
    "previous": null,
    "results": [
            "username": "admin",
            "credential": {
                "credential_id": 1,
                "program_uuid": "244af8cb-7cdd-487e-afc0-aa0b6391b1fd"
            "status": "revoked",
            "download_url": "",
            "uuid": "a2810ab0-c084-43de-a9db-fa484fcc82bc",
            "attributes": [
                    "name": "whitelist_reason",
                    "value": "Your reason for whitelisting."
            "created": "2015-12-17T09:28:35.075376Z",
            "modified": "2016-01-02T12:58:15.744188Z",
            "certificate_url": ""

Note: Only users with the credentials.view_credential permission, or credential awardees, can filter by username.

Get a List of All Credentials for a Program#

You can filter the returned list of credentials by using the program_uuid parameter in the query string.

Example Requests

GET api/v1/credentials/?program_uuid=<program_uuid>

Example Response

    "count": 4,
    "next": null,
    "previous": null,
    "results": [
            "id": 1,
            "username": "admin",
            "credential": {
                "credential_id": 1,
                "program_uuid": "244af8cb-7cdd-487e-afc0-aa0b6391b1fd"
            "status": "revoked",
            "download_url": "",
            "uuid": "a2810ab0-c084-43de-a9db-fa484fcc82bc",
            "attributes": [
                    "name": "whitelist_reason",
                    "value": "Your reason for whitelisting."
            "created": "2015-12-17T09:28:35.075376Z",
            "modified": "2016-01-02T12:58:15.744188Z",
            "certificate_url": ""

Query for an individual learner’s earned certificates for specific courses#

Query for an individual learner’s earned certificates for a list of courses or course runs.


  • You must include exactly one of lms_user_id or username.

  • You must include at least one of courses and course_runs, and you may include a mix of both.
    • The courses list should contain a list of course UUIDs.

    • The course_runs list should contain a list of course run keys.

If the username or lms_user_id has not earned any certificates, this endpoint will return successfully, and the status object will be empty.

Example Request

POST api/credentials/v1/learner_cert_status/
    "username": "sample_user",
    "courses": [
    "course_runs": [

Example Response

In this example, this user has earned a certificate in only one of the courses requested, so that is the only returned value.

    "lms_user_id": 3,
    "username": "sample_user",
    "status": [
        "course_uuid": "4ad04e84-1512-11ee-be56-0242ac120002",
        "course_run": {
            "uuid": "4747fefb-6f31-4689-bcfb-8ff32da191f4",
            "key": "course-v1:edX+AA302+2T2023a"
        "status": "awarded",
        "type": "verified",
        "certificate_available_date": null,
        "grade": {
            "letter_grade": "Pass",
            "percent_grade": 1,
            "verified": true

Query for multiple learners’ earned certificates for specific courses#

Query for multiple learners’ earned certificates for a list of courses or course runs.


For each requested response:

  • You must include exactly one of lms_user_id or username.

  • You must include at least one of courses and course_runs, and you may include a mix of both.
    • The courses list should contain a list of course UUIDs.

    • The course_runs list should contain a list of course run keys.

If the username or lms_user_id has not earned any certificates (or does not exist in the system), the status object will be empty.

Example Request

POST api/credentials/v1/bulk_learner_cert_status/
        "username": "sample_user",
        "courses": [
        "course_runs": [
        "lms_user_id":  8674309,
        "courses": [
        "course_runs": [

Example Response

In this example, the first user has earned a certificate in only one of the courses requested, and the second user hasn’t earned a certificate at all, so only one return value contains a populated status block.

        "lms_user_id": 3,
        "username": "sample_user",
        "status": [
            "course_uuid": "4ad04e84-1512-11ee-be56-0242ac120002",
            "course_run": {
                "uuid": "4747fefb-6f31-4689-bcfb-8ff32da191f4",
                "key": "course-v1:edX+AA302+2T2023a"
            "status": "awarded",
            "type": "verified",
            "certificate_available_date": null,
            "grade": {
                "letter_grade": "Pass",
                "percent_grade": 1,
                "verified": true
        "lms_user_id":  8674309,
        "username": null,
        "status": []