
Verifiable Credentials feature is optional. It is disabled by default.

Learner Record micro-frontend#

The most of configuration is related to the Credentials IDA (verifiable_credentials app), but there are few UI-related settings.

ENABLE_VERIFIABLE_CREDENTIALS (boolean) - enables feature appearance (extra routes)

SUPPORT_URL_VERIFIABLE_CREDENTIALS (URL string) - footer support link

Verifiable Credentials application#

ENABLE_VERIFIABLE_CREDENTIALS (boolean) - main feature flag

The feature introduces its own set of default settings which are namespaced in the VERIFIABLE_CREDENTIALS setting, like this:

    "STATUS_LIST_LENGTH": 50000,
        "NAME": "The University of the Digital Future",
        "KEY": '{"kty":"OKP","crv":"Ed25519","x":"IGUT8E_aRNzLqouWO4zdeZ6l4CEXsVmJDOpOQS69m7o","d":"vn8xgdO5Ki3zlvRNc2nUqcj50Ise1Vl1tlbs9DUL-hg"}',
        "ID": "did:key:z6MkgdiV7pVPCapM8oUwfhxBwYZgh8dXkHkJykSAc4DHKD7X",

Such configuration overrides the corresponding built-in settings:

  1. Data models list narrowed down to a single specification

  2. Status list length extended to 50K positions

  3. Default issuer configured with concrete credentials

Built-in values#

There is a set of built-in predefined settings:

# verifiable_credentials/

        "ID": "generate-me-with-didkit-lib",
        "KEY": "generate-me-with-didkit-lib",
        "NAME": "Default (system-wide)",
    "DEFAULT_ISSUANCE_REQUEST_SERIALIZER": "credentials.apps.verifiable_credentials.issuance.serializers.IssuanceLineSerializer",
    "DEFAULT_RENDERER": "credentials.apps.verifiable_credentials.issuance.renderers.JSONLDRenderer",
    "STATUS_LIST_STORAGE": "credentials.apps.verifiable_credentials.storages.status_list.StatusList2021",
    "STATUS_LIST_DATA_MODEL": "credentials.apps.verifiable_credentials.composition.status_list.StatusListDataModel",
    "STATUS_LIST_LENGTH": 10000,

Default data models#

Deployment configuration can override data models set with the respect of the following restrictions:

  • there always must be at least 1 data model available

  • each storage is pre-configured to use some data model which must be available

Default storages#

Deployment configuration can override storages set with the respect of the following restrictions:

  • there always must be at least 1 storage available

Default issuer#


Currently, there is only a single active issuer (system-wide) available So, all verifiable credentials are created (issued) on behalf of this Issuer.

There is the Issuance Configuration database model, which initial record is created based on these settings.


Verbose issuer name (it is placed into each verifiable credential).


A private secret key (JWK) which is used for verifiable credentials issuance (proof/digital signature generation). It can be generated with the help of the didkit Python (Rust) library.


A unique issuer decentralized identifier (created from a private key, example).

Status List configuration#


STATUS_LIST_LENGTH - default = 10000 (16KB)

Possibly, the only status list settings to configure. A status sequence positions count (how many issued verifiable credentials statuses are included). See related specs for details.



A technical storage class (allows status list implementation override).

Data model#


A data model class (allows status list implementation override).

Other settings are available for advanced tweaks but usually are not meant to be configured:

  • Default issuance request serializer (incoming issuance request parsing)

  • Default renderer (outgoing verifiable credential presentation)

Management commands#

There are a couple of service commands available for the verifiable_credentials application.

Issuer credentials helper#

Generates private key for Issuer (JWK) and a decentralized identifier (DID) based on that key.

   root@credentials:/edx/app/credentials/credentials# ./ generate_issuer_credentials
   >> {'did': 'did:key:z6MkgdiV7pVPCapM8oUwfhxBwYZgh8dXkHkJykSAc4DHKD7X',
'private_key': '{"kty":"OKP","crv":"Ed25519","x":"IGUT8E_aRNzLqouWO4zdeZ6l4CEXsVmJDOpOQS69m7o","d":"vn8xgdO5Ki3zlvRNc2nUqcj50Ise1Vl1tlbs9DUL-hg"}'}

Issuer configuration helpers#

Create initial Issuance Configuration based on deployment issuer(s) setup.

root@credentials:/edx/app/credentials/credentials# ./ create_default_issuer

Initial Issuance configuration is created based on VERIFIABLE_CREDENTIALS[DEFAULT_ISSUER] via data migration during the first deployment. Helper allows manually repeat that is needed (Additional configurations can be created from django admin interface).

Remove Issuance Configuration based on Issuer ID.

root@credentials:/edx/app/credentials/credentials# ./ remove_issuance_configuration did:key:z6MkgdiV7pVPCapM8oUwfhxBwYZgh8dXkHkJykSAc4DHKD7X

Issuance configuration delete operation is forbidden in admin interface (only deactivation is available). This tool allows to cleanup configurations list if needed.

Status List helper#

Generate Status List 2021 verifiable credential

root@credentials:/edx/app/credentials/credentials# ./ generate_status_list did:key:z6MkgdiV7pVPCapM8oUwfhxBwYZgh8dXkHkJykSAc4DHKD7X

Allows Status List verifiable credential generation (for a given Issuer ID).