Program Completion Emails#
The Credentials IDA can be configured to send a congratulatory message to learners upon successful completion of their programs.
Learners will only receive a single message per Program. If a learner was to have a program credential revoked (e.g. they are no longer passing a course that is part of the program), and then re-earn their program certificate at a later date, they will not receive another completion message.
This feature supports defining both HTML and PlainText message templates and uses edX ACE to send the messages.

This feature is gated by both a feature flag and some additional configuration (in the form of a Program Completion Email Configuration).
Feature Flag#
To enable this feature the SEND_EMAIL_ON_PROGRAM_COMPLETION
setting must be added to the Credential IDA’s
configuration and set to True. This feature is disabled by default.
Program Completion Email Configuration#
Once the feature is enabled, an Open edX Administrator must create a Program Completion Email Configuration that defines the content of the messages sent to learners. These configurations are managed via Django Admin.

The first step is adding a unique identifier for the configuration. If you would like a base template that defines
a message for all program completers, this identifier should be default
. If you would like a message to be sent to
all learners of a specific Program type, the identifier should be the program type slug (e.g.
, xseries
, or masters
). If you would like a message to be sent to all learners of a
specific Program, the identifier should be the Program’s UUID (from Discovery).
By default, the HTML templates support the following elements: a
, b
, blockquote
, div
, em
, i
, ol
, p
, span
, strong
, ul
, and heading levels h1
through h6
. The list of acceptable
HTML elements can be modified by updating the ALLOWED_EMAIL_HTML_TAGS
setting in the Credentials configuration.
Lastly, the Enabled
checkbox must be enabled to enable the configuration.
How It Works#
When sending a Program Completion Email, the system will select the most specific template to a learner. Consider the following scenario. There is a default configuration, a Professional Certificate program type configuration, and a configuration for a specific Program (we will refer to it as Program A).
Learner 1 is enrolled in Program A. Upon completion, they will receive the program specific Program A message.
Learner 2 is enrolled in a Professional Certificate program. Upon completion, they will receive the program level message.
Learner 3 is enrolled in an XSeries program. Upon completion, they will receive the default message (as there is no program specific template nor a template defined for the XSeries program type).
If there is no default template defined a learner will not receieve any message from the system upon completion of their program.